Special Educational Needs SEND
The name of our SENDCos at New Lubbesthorpe are Miss Frearson and Miss Daly. They can be contacted via our school office. Please do not hesitate to contact with any questions or queries you may have.
The SEND Code Of Practice
We follow the SEND Code of Practice, which can be found here:
The Local Offer
We liaise with the local authority about the Local Offer:
We have provided links to both Leicester and Leicestershire Local Authority Websites because the Local Offer is based on where the family lives and not where the school is located.
The SEN information: Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulation https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/1530/contents/made
All children in our school are valued as individuals and we are committed to giving them every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards regardless of SEN, age, gender, ethnicity, attainment or background. All children have access to the whole curriculum, as well as structured assessments to determine their specific learning needs. Learning is tailored to the individual and children with extra needs are helped, supported and facilitated to reach their full potential. We offer a person-centred approach and we value contact with all parents, including those parents of children who have SEN. By working closely together, we can maximise the attainment and progress of these pupils.
New Lubbesthorpe SEND Policy & SEND Information Report 2024-25:
SENDCOs: Lucy Frearson and Martha Daly
SEND Governor: Lucy Clarke